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The embers of change
So why do I speak of personal life change in terms of “embers”? Aren’t those the dying remnants of a fire that has already peaked and burned to the ground? They are indeed. And they are also a beautiful metaphor for the cycle of life. The fire dies down, and when those embers are properly preserved (banked) they can last overnight.
Stoke the remaining embers and you have a new fire!
So “embers” can be both the beginning and the end of a fire.
Are you ready to rekindle your heart-fire? No matter how gray, bleached out, invisible or beat down you might feel in this moment, the Embers of Change lay within you and together we can re-stoke them to be raging fires of life-changing transformation.
Ready for a new life? I was. I felt the pull of my spirit, but couldn’t figure out what it was pulling me towards. The flame of the ritual fire called to me, and I knew it that moment that I was being called to change.
What kind of change? I whispered to the fire. It smiled back at me, content to tantalize me with promises of transformation if I dare allow it.
I smiled at the fire’s heat upon my face. I was ready.
Think of it this way: nothing that comes into contact with fire remains untouched. The heat transforms different materials in different ways. Oxygen is consumed, as is fuel. Meat can be destroyed or made edible.
Fire consumes paper hungrily, often throwing up its own embers, which catch in the wind and fly away. Sometime these flying embers cause more fires to spread. One by one, the fires can be lit, and soon we’ll reach a critical mass.
Are you ready to take the first steps?