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Rituals for Living – Dreambook + Planner (Review)
After finding a couple of amazing tools which have made a huge difference in my life, I wanted to take a moment to share one of them with you. The first is the Rituals for Living Dreambook + Planner published by The Dragontree. I purchased this book late last year and I am very glad I did. In this Dreambook + Planner review, I’ll give you an inside look at what you need to know

What is the Dreambook + Planner?

The Dreambook + Planner is an amazing tool for organizing and planning your life. It is a bound book with an all-white embossed cover. Inside is variation on a traditional planner. There is space each week to write out all your planned activities along with a Weekly bootcamp section to help keep you on track.
You can choose between blank dates, or a full year’s worth of printed dated. In the 2018 version, each weekly 2 page spread has blank times which you fill in to customize it to your needs,
What makes it more than a planner?
It’s really more like a life-planner. By filling out the section in the front, you can narrow down your priorities to focus on your goals and the things that matter the most to you.
So let’s talk for a moment about how the front section works. This part of the Dreambook asks questions which give you the opportunity to figure out what is important to you. What are your gifts, your core values, priorities and life’s purpose? What are your goals for the year? For the next 3 years, or 10 years? What are your lifetime goals?
Consider for a moment all the things you would regret not having done when the time comes for you to pass on from this life. Do you have a bucket list?

This book helps you organize all those projects and goals you might have floating around in your head. Things like “someday I’ll travel”, or perhaps “I’d really like to learn to dance”.
Then you have the opportunity to break these abstract ideas into projects, and then specific do-able tasks. Put those tasks in your planner, and boom! You are well on your way to making your dreams into reality.
What I particularly love about it is that it isn’t preachy or pushy. It doesn’t force you into a specific spiritual path, or get in the way of your own religious practice (or lack thereof). The book does encourage you to incorporate certain self-care rituals into your life. And if you don’t find them meaningful to you, just ignore that section.
How can it help me?
Are you interested in living your life more intentionally? Or in actually doing the things that matter the most to you, even if you’re not clear on what that might be yet?
Do you want a guided tour towards figuring out your life’s purpose, or the perfect tool for implementing those plans you already have?
I highly recommend you give the Dreambook + Planner a try.
The class
The Dragontree also offers a 9 week class called Dreaming and Planning which helps you learn to use your Dreambook + Planner to it’s fullest potential. It helps you set a goal for the class, then step by step walks you through how the Planner can work to help you make your own dreams come true.
The Dreaming and Planning course has been a wonderful addition to my personal practice, and showed me the potential of the Dreambook + Planner tool.
Where can I get it?
The Dreambook + Planner is available online directly from The Dragontree, and I’ve also seen it in some form on Amazon . You can get it in printed form, or as a PDF. The exact price and bundles available will vary depending on the time of year you make your purchase.
In addition, you can purchase a cover to protect your Dreambook, or stickers to embellish or highlight the inside. These are by no means required, but they can be helpful and beautiful add-ons.
if you have any experience with the Dreambook + Planner, I would love to hear about it in the comments section below!